MDDB PENANG will be holding our Adoption Drive on Feb 23rd, at Juru Auto-City. The event from 6-10pm will be held in front of Shop-In d'Park, Juru Auto-City. The Adoption Drive will be divided into 3 sections:-
1. Adoption - displaying rescued puppies/kittens for adoption
2. Fundraising -
collecting donations for our project of Spaying Action Plan - "1 DAY 1 SPAY" Program. We will also collect funds to continue with our rescue mission to subsidize medical bills for sick animals and sterilizations.
3. Merchandise Sales - selling of t-shirts, badges and etc...
Those wanting to contribute dry and canned dog, puppy, cat and kitten food, rice, bleach, soap, shampoo, towels and newspapers can drop them off at the venue as well.
For more details, please write to
以下為這3月槟城动物保护协会的流浪動物免费认养及義賣活動資訊 :
日期 : 星期六,2013年2月23日
時間 :下午6点到晚上10点
地點: Shop-In d'Park, Juru Auto-City Penang
主题: Help Save A Life
鼓勵大家如果想飼養寵物,最好以認養代替購買, 及呼籲大眾捐款讓協會有更充裕的經費幫流浪動物結紮,以自然的方式減少流浪貓狗,減少撲殺。
或电邮 mddb.mccp@
槟城动物保护协会 敬上
A total of 13 puppies were adopted
during the event including 6 puppies from SPCA Seberang Perai. Some of
the puppies are still up for adoption. If you are interested, you may
contact Mdm.Tan at 012-5523447.