Medical - 2 Female dogs

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Adoption Drive on 1st October 2011 At Juru Auto-City

Out of the 15 puppies put up for adoption on the 1st of October 2011, 8 were successfully adopted. We hope that more people will come forward to adopt these homeless animals instead of buying. MDDB & MCCP Northern will continue to hold Adoption Drives as frequent as possible in hope to help more animals in need.

Here are the photos from the event:-

Accessories for sale

Our Jumble Sale

Merchandise T-Shirt

A heart for animals

Waiting for a forever home...Awww...

"Please bring me home!"

Lovely crowd

Supporters of the event

Teaching the young generations to have a heart for animals

With Deep Appreciation To The Following Donors


Anonymous - RM400.00 --- Funds For Ganesha Temple's Dogs
Jeya Amantha - RM100.00 --- Funds For Ganesha Temple's Dogs

2 More Puppies Caught

Update as at 6 October 2011:
We managed to trap another 2 male puppies from Ganesha Temple yesterday afternoon.

We have in total removed 4 puppies and 1 male adult dog.

We are appealing to the public to come forward to help us adopt these dogs/puppies OR fund us to help these animals. We are collecting funds to spay/neuter them.

If you can help us in anyway, please contact us at
Note: There are still around 5-6 adult dogs at the temple. If anyone could give a hand in the catching & trapping, please contact us.